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Large Sealed Gallium Fixed Point Cell
Isotech, Sostmann Sealed Gallium Fixed Point Cell
Primary Fixed Point Cells
Temperature: 29.7646°C
Our Cells offer Better Immersion Depth than our Competitors
  • Uncertainty: 0.000070
  • Purity: 99.99995%
  • Thirty years of proven use
  • ITS-90 Fixed Points
  • Sealed or Open Models

Product Code: ITL-M-17401

   Product Description    Specifications Videos
Second only to the Water Triple Point and in many ways, because of its ease of use and purity, superior to it, is the Gallium Melt Point. At 29.7646°C, this is a very convenient temperature, as it is the closest ITS-90 fixed point to ambient temperatures, and also close to human body temperatures, which are critical ranges for many industries.

Total Confidence
Confidence is a major requirement in a thermometer calibration standard. The Isotech Gallium Cell and Apparatus have a long history, and have been successfully used in most National and Primary Laboratories world-wide.

International comparisons prove the quality of the Isotech Cells, and we have a unique number and history of comprehensive evaluations with all of our thermometer calibration standards.

Calibration of Isotech's Reference Cell with the Standard at NIST showed an agreement of 4μK, 0.000004°C.

The Isotech Gallium cells contain the highest purity metal, >99.99999% pure (7N), and giving a flat plateau. The cell has a day-to-day reproducibility of just +/-0.000025°C

Developed in the 1970s by Henry Sostman, the design is of the highest standard. The metal is contained within a resilient inner housing that ensures no contamination or reaction with the gallium. The surrounding outer metal sleeve provides longitudinal uniformity of temperature, and further mechanical strength. Of several hundred cells, shipped to all parts of the world, all have arrived without damage.

Sealed Cell In general, we recommend the sealed cell. It has the convenience of the sealed construction, along with the sub mK performance.
Isotech Cell Stands
Fixed Point Cells Datasheet Isotech Cell Stands