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Annealing Furnace,
Model 414

Isotech Annealing Furnace, Model 414
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Ideal for Annealing and Conditioning SPRTs
30°C to 1000°C (1832°F)
  • Remove Strain and Hardening from your platinum coils
  • Maintenance Free Use
  • Available with programmable controller with communications standard
  • Control: 0.1°C Resolution
  • Supply: 110VAC, 2kw, 50/60Hz CTE (230VAC and 110VAC to 110VAC Isolating Transformers are available)

Product Code: 414

   Product Description    Specifications
The Model 414 Annealing Furnace is designed to heat, anneal and cool SPRTs (Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers) prior to calibration. The temperature range of the furnace - from ambient to 1000°C - enables all types of SPRTs to be annealed.

One of the duties of a calibration laboratory manager is to ensure that the SPRTs used are fully annealed and still within specification. Merely using the thermometers within the laboratory will cause work-hardening in the platinum coil of the SPRT. Therefore, regular high-temperature annealing is required to ensure the SPRTs are in an ideal condition. Our annealing furnaces can help you calibrate your temperature sensors.

In 1990, the then-new temperature scale, ITS-90, specified the use of SPRTs up to the Silver point (961.78°C). At these temperatures, quartz is very porous, and in reducing atmospheres the SPRTs can quickly become contaminated.

The Isotech Annealing Furnace for sale here offers a safe solution for those seeking high-temperature annealing for SPRTs up to 1000°C.

To prevent contamination at high temperatures, a constant flux of pre-heated air passes the SPRTs being annealed.

A comprehensive handbook accompanies the Annealing Furnace.

The Annealing Furnace for sale here is installed simply and requires no maintenance.
414 Annealing Furnace
414 Data Sheet 414 Product Manual