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Platinum/Gold Thermocouple
Isotech, Platinum/Gold Primary Standard Thermocouple
The most popular of the special thermocouples Isotech makes for researchers
Temperature Range: -200°C to 650°C
  • Pure metal: 99.999% Gold and Platinum
  • Best homogeneity
  • Alternative to HTSPRTs

Product Code: PT-AU

   Product Description    Specifications
Since 1995, Isotech has been producing various designs of special Au/Pt, Pt/Pd, and Pd/Au thermocouples for researchers. From our experience, we can now offer the most popular of these, the Gold/Platinum thermocouple, in a standard form.

All wires are 99.999+% pure, and are fully annealed according to the recommendations of McLaren. Assembly also follows his prescriptions, which have never been bettered.

After final assembly and annealing, the Au/Pt thermocouples will conform to IEC 62460, Edition 1 2008-07.

For the smallest uncertainties, we calibrate this high-accuracy thermocouple at the zinc, aluminum and Silver fixed-points.
Semi-Standard Thermocouple Product Spec Sheet